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Real Estate Attorney: Buying Residential Property in Florida

在佛罗里达州购买住宅物业对人们来说是一个令人兴奋但又势不可挡的时期. 获得正确的法律建议对于确保不会出现延误或阻碍这一过程的错误非常重要.

At The Law Offices of Aaron Resnick, P.首先,竞技宝体育竞猜在迈阿密戴德的房地产律师将帮助您处理您人生中重要的购买事宜. 联络竞技宝体育竞猜: 305-672-7495 to schedule a Free 电话 Consultation today.

Buying Residential Real Estate in Florida

你的家很可能是你一生中最大的一笔投资,在这个过程中教育自己很重要,这样你就知道会发生什么. The following are some of the highlights of the home buying process. 还记得, 然而, 确切的过程在你买房的地方可能会有所不同, 这就是为什么你应该和佛罗里达州的房地产律师谈谈,以确保你遵循相应的程序. 

Team Up with a 不动产法yer

你需要做的第一个决定是你是否需要或想要一个房地产律师的帮助. 律师会确保你的权利得到维护,你的义务得到履行. 前者可以确保你在做你一生中最大的投资之一时得到最好的交易, 而后者可以确保你不会因为法律或手续问题而遭受延误. 

Making sure your real estate transaction is legally sound is critical, and a real estate lawyer has the skills to do so. 一些州可能需要房地产律师,而另一些州则建议这样做. 

Team Up with a Real Estate Agent

An agent can help guide you through the buying process, 从决定你的预算,找到你的家和报价, to closing on the purchase of your house. 如果你对你要买的地方很熟悉,并且以前买过房子, you may not need their assistance. 如果你刚到这个地区,或者刚开始买房子,你可能需要经纪人的帮助. 

Having an agent should not cost you anything out of pocket. The seller pays agents out of the proceeds from the sale of the house. 


This is the fun part – looking for your new home! Attend open houses and schedule walkthroughs. Be sure to stay within your budget, so you do not get your hopes up on a house, only to have them slashed in the end. 


一旦你选择了你想买的房子,是时候提出报价了. 如果你有一个房地产律师,他们会帮助指导你完成这个过程. 律师还可以帮助你预测,在当前的市场情况下,其他人是否可能会与你的报价竞争. If so, you may want to increase your offer, if your budget allows it.

Financing, Appraisals, and Inspections

If you can pay cash for your new home, you do not have to worry about obtaining any type of financing. 如果你正在获得资金,有不同的来源,你可以这样做. 如果你不知道从哪里开始,问问你认识和信任的人. 如果你和你的银行家关系很好,那总是一个好的开始.

无论您是否获得融资,您都需要对房屋和财产进行检查和评估. This process should uncover any problems. 如果存在的话, 贷款人 will be informed, and you will have the opportunity to have the issues timely addressed. 请记住,检查过程中产生的任何问题都可能影响房产的价值.    


你的新家将会被安排关门,你会被告知要带什么. In some states, an attorney is required to conduct the closing. 一旦文书工作完成,你就能拿到钥匙,搬进去了.

Factors to Consider before Purchasing a New 竞技宝体育竞猜

There are certain factors to consider before purchasing a new home. The following are a few to consider. 

  • 你的预算. What can you comfortably afford? If you will be taking out a mortgage to buy the property, what is the monthly payment amount you can pay, and how much is 贷款人 willing to loan you?
  • 你想要的位置. You should decide where you want to live and be specific about it. Do you want to be close to work? 或者住在娱乐场所附近也很重要? 
  • 当地的学校. Even if you do not plan on having children, 如果有一天你决定卖掉房子,搬进一个好的学区仍然很重要. 位于好学区的房子通常比不受欢迎学区的房子卖得更快,价格也更高. 
  • 其他因素. Many other factors to consider include things like your commute time, 噪音水平, and HOA costs and fees.


Seller Disclosure Requirements in Florida

卖方在出售房屋时必须披露某些事项. 虽然这在不同的司法管辖区差别很大,但最常见的披露包括:

  • Neighborhood nuisances, such as a shooting range nearby
  • Any known structural defects or hazards
  • 环境危害

未能披露所需信息可能导致对卖方的诉讼或罚款. 话虽如此,但请记住,某些卖家可能不需要披露信息. 例如, 在一些州, if the party selling a house inherited it but never lived in it, they will not be expected to complete a disclosure statement. 



  • 忠诚. 还记得 that for most people, 买房是他们一生中最大的投资之一, so getting it right matters. There are many potential parties in a real estate transaction, 来自卖方, 贷款人, the real estate agent or broker, 产权公司, 和更多的. Most have their own interests in mind but one: your real estate lawyer. Your lawyer will be loyal to you, your needs, and your wants.
  • 标题搜索. 仅仅因为你最终得到了新房的钥匙,并不意味着你拥有它. A title search must be conducted, and it must be thorough. 如果在交易结束前没有处理好问题,可能会有其他感兴趣的人接手房子. 律师会进行彻底的调查,以发现任何隐藏的所有权问题, saving you time and money.
  • 文档. Your lawyer can draft, review, and negotiate documents on your behalf. 这个好处很重要,因为您可能无法准确理解文档的条款和条件是什么或意味着什么. 律师可以用你能理解的方式向你解释这些事情,这样你就知道了. When you are informed, you can make better decisions for yourself. 
  • 建议. 在房地产行业工作了一段时间的律师知道一些可能对你有益的事情. The lawyer can suggest when a new survey should be made of a property, how to save on insurance, and other tips you may not have known.

始终记住,并不是所有的律师都有相同的经验和相同的方式进行他们的实践. 首先会见房地产律师将帮助您了解他们是否符合您的要求和需求.

Contact a Residential Real Estate Attorney in 迈阿密-Dade Today

If you are looking to purchase residential real estate in 迈阿密-Dade, it is a good idea to get smart legal advice. Contact The Law Offices of Aaron Resnick, P.A today by filling out our online form or calling us at 305-672-7495 to schedule a Free 电话 Consultation. 竞技宝体育竞猜的房地产律师将引导您完成整个购房过程.

Areas we Serve in Florida

竞技宝体育竞猜服务的客户遍及佛罗里达州,包括以下地区:迈阿密戴德县,包括阿文图拉, 迈阿密, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, 是海里, 家园, 肯德尔, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, 好莱坞, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale海滩, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach
