

If you have an unofficial business in Florida but want to make it official to attract investors, 成立一家公司可能是一条可行之路. As a corporation, you can also offer shares in the future to raise capital. But which type of corporation is best suited for you and your business?

在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, our business attorney in 迈阿密-Dade will help you explore the types of entities that may work best for your business. For many businesses like yours, a C corporation may post the best opportunities. We will help you identify the benefits and the risks so that you make smart decisions for your business. 今日透过电邮联络竞技宝体育竞猜: 305-672-7495 安排免费电话咨询 and get started on a plan to set your business up for growth and overall success.


A C corporation, or C corp, is a business structure with a separate legal identity from its owners.

A C corp is created by filing articles of incorporation with the relevant government organization. C公司的所有者是股东, who hold a percentage interest in the business typically proportionate to their investment. 股东s elect a board of directors who oversee operations and choose officers to manage the day-to-day affairs of the business. 

其中之一 most attractive features of a C corp is that it protects shareholders' personal assets 从公司的债权人那里. 如果公司破产或被起诉, 业主个人不能承担责任.

当涉及到税收, 公司在实体层面征税, 为他们的利润缴纳联邦企业所得税. 股东s receive distributions of these business profits, usually as dividends. 股东s also pay tax on this personal income at the individual rate. 

A C corp is the most common type of corporate tax status in the United States.

C公司vs公司. S公司

一些C公司选择成为S公司,这是一种特殊的税收地位. There are some essential differences between C and S corps that you should know before selecting one over the other. 

  1. S corps do not pay federal income tax at the entity level, avoiding double taxation.
  2. 美国公司的股东不能超过100人.
  3. 美国军团必须符合一定的资格标准, e.g.,必须是国内公司或股东必须是美国人.S. 公民. 
  4. S军团只能有一个等级的股票.

You should seek advice on whether a C corp or S corp is better suited for your business. 


C公司结构有很多优势. Knowing them will help you understand if your business is best suited for this type of business entity. 

  • 有限责任. As the corporation is a separate legal entity that can sue and be sued, 拥有财产和其他资产, 然后申请贷款, its shareholders' personal liability is limited to the amount of their investment. This protects their personal assets from any business debts or liabilities in the event the corporation files for bankruptcy or undergoes litigation. 
  • 灵活的所有权和管理. C corp ownership can change through the buying and selling of shares. C公司的管理也可以很容易地改变. 这种灵活性确保了企业的生存, meaning it can continue to operate seamlessly after an owner or manager is terminated, 辞职, 否则就离开公司. 
  • 巨大的融资潜力. Unlike an S corporation, a C corp can have an unlimited number of shareholders. 这使得C公司能够通过, 例如, 首次公开募股. 
  • 无股东限制. Unlike an S corporation, there are no limits on who can hold shares in a C corporation. For example, shareholders in a C corporation do not need to be US 公民. C公司也可以发行一种以上的股票, 对潜在投资者有吸引力的特点. 

Before setting up a C corp, it's crucial to balance these pros against the potential cons. A corporation lawyer can help you align your company's goals with the advantages and identify how any disadvantage can be strategically addressed.


C公司的几个缺点会影响你的生意. Three of the main disadvantages associated with C corps are described below. 

  • 双重征税. C公司在实体层面上按其利润缴纳联邦所得税. 股东s are also taxed on any dividends they receive from the business at a personal rate. 
  • 加强监管. C corporations require onerous record-keeping and reporting obligations. 年度股东大会必须定期举行, 这些会议必须记录下来. Details of the division of ownership and the director's voting records must also be recorded. 它们还涉及复杂的税收安排. 
  • 设置和运行成本更高. Businesses are typically required to pay a filing fee when registering a C corp. 他们可能还需要支付额外的州年度费用. Due to the complex regulatory environment in which C corporations operate, they typically engage attorneys and accountants to ensure compliance with federal and state laws.

在决定成立公司之前, it's worth speaking to a corporate lawyer to understand the advantages and disadvantages relevant to your situation. 

What Types of Businesses in Florida Are Best Suited as C公司?

并不是所有的企业都像C公司一样繁荣或成功. C公司结构通常适合以下企业:

  • 需要风险资本
  • 寻求拥有房产
  • 希望将收益再投资到业务中,为增长提供资金
  • 希望确保所有者之间的利润分配灵活


  • 苹果
  • 麦当劳
  • 目标
  • 微软
  • 星巴克

这些都是大公司. 大公司并不总是适合小企业. If your business is not so large, you want to consider the following: 

  1. 你需要或打算靠你的生意所赚取的利润生活吗? 如果是这样的话, 记住,在C公司下, 利润基本上要缴纳两次税, so a pass-through entity like an S corporation or a limited liability company (LLC) might be the better choice.
  2. 你打算永远保持你的生意吗? 如果你不打算出售你的企业, 由于种种原因,C公司可能不是一个好的选择. 另一方面, 如果你打算卖, 比如在运营了五年之后, C公司在套现时是有利的.
  3. 你想保持你的业务操作简单吗? 如果是这样的话, 如上所示, 请记住,C组需要更多的文书工作, 保留记录, 法规遵从性.
  4. 个人责任对你来说很重要吗? 如果是这样的话, C corps are good, but there are also other options, like forming an S corp and an LLC. 

So, 就像所有与企业形成和运营相关的事情一样, speaking to a corporate attorney will be in your best interests so you can make sure you are acting in the most advantageous and strategic way.


If you are thinking about incorporating a business as a C corporation, our business law lawyer in Florida can help you make sure you choose the right structure to form your business. 公司提供很多福利, 但还有一些重要的因素需要考虑, especially because there may be better options for your business needs.

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We serve clients throughout Florida including those in the following localities: 迈阿密-Dade County including Aventura, 迈阿密, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, 是海里, 家园, 肯德尔, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, 好莱坞, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale海滩, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach
