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Real Estate Litigation Lawyer in Florida

房地产, whether it is residential or commercial, is the single greatest asset, 投资, and liability that a person or business can make. 房地产 transactions, 租赁, and other undertakings, including the maintenance of the property, must adhere to rules, 规定, and contractual obligations. 不遵守或对义务的解释不一致可能导致纠纷, and disputes can lead to litigation if not handled properly, 及时的, 或充分. 但即便如此,佛罗里达州的房地产诉讼可能不可避免地要解决问题.

At The Law Offices of Aaron Resnick, P.A, 竞技宝体育竞猜在迈阿密戴德的房地产律师可以协助您的战略, 提供实用的建议,并在出现问题时处理不动产诉讼. 然而, through our representation, 竞技宝体育竞猜的目标是尽量减少房地产纠纷,从而避免昂贵的诉讼. 联络竞技宝体育竞猜: 305-672-7495 to schedule a Free 电话 Consultation today.

Common Causes of Real Estate Litigation in Florida

房地产 litigation 与不动产有关的法律纠纷是否可以有多种原因. Some of the most common are briefly described below. 

Breach of Contract

各方定期签订房地产协议或合同. 当其中一方不遵守合同条款时, the other party may sue for a breach of contract. 当你签署合同时,你必须明白你到底同意了什么. This means reading the entire contract, even the tiny print. 

In order to avoid any problems in the future, 在签订房地产合同之前,最好先咨询一下佛罗里达州的房地产律师. 律师可以就合同有关的任何问题向你提出建议, what is expected of you under the terms of the contract, and what you can expect of the other party or parties. 

Dispute Over Boundaries

Every property has a boundary, 一方的所有权在哪里结束,另一方的所有权在哪里开始. 通常,对边界线的确切位置存在混淆,从而导致诉讼. 有时, 邻居们一直在假设地产线与房产所在县的注册地产线不同. 安静的所有权诉讼是解决边界纠纷的正确方式. 

Before purchasing a piece of property, 最好完成一份调查,这样你就能确切地知道边界在哪里,以及是否有任何侵犯该物业的行为.


分割诉讼的独特之处在于,提起诉讼的一方不一定声称任何另一方做错了什么. 当一个属性有多个所有者时,通常使用这些操作, and the different owners no longer wish to be co-owners. One party may want to buy out the others, 或者各方都想卖掉房产,平分收益. 法院也可以进行会计核算,以便准确地确定一方当事人是否应获得比另一方更多的收益. 

Real Estate Fraud

当一方向另一方虚假陈述信息时,就会发生房地产欺诈, causing them to rely on bad information, and then they suffer damages because of it. 

例如, 如果你要买一块房地产来建房子, 你需要知道房子是否可以安装化粪池系统. 假设卖方给了你土地通过PERC测试的文件, which means that a septic system can be installed. You rely on that documentation and purchase the property. 然而, 结束后, you find out the PERC test documentation was falsified, and the property cannot support a septic system. 在这种情况下,您将面临房地产欺诈案件. 


当出现谁是一件财产的真正所有人的问题时, a quiet title action is often brought to settle the matter. 安静所有权诉讼允许法院查看证据并确定正确的所有者. Quiet title actions are used for boundary disputes, adverse possession cases, or when ownership of property needs to be determined. 

Alternatives to Real Estate Litigation in Florida

诉讼并不总是解决房地产纠纷的最佳途径. 有分歧的各方还有其他选择. The most common is alternative dispute resolution (ADR). ADR comes in two main forms: arbitration and mediation. 


仲裁是指您和另一方当事人参加听证会,在听证会上,您向中立且知识渊博的仲裁员或仲裁员小组陈述您的观点. 在大多数情况下,通过仲裁作出的决定对双方都有约束力. 这是一个正式的程序,但仍然比诉讼更省时、更便宜. 它也更加私密,双方可以就他们希望谁担任仲裁员达成一致。. 


中介 is a less formal process than arbitration, 当事各方在哪里会面并试图达成一项他们都能同意的协议. 调解允许当事人对发生的事情有发言权. In most cases, either party can walk away at any time. 调解员在场是为了促成协议,而不是做出最终裁决. 


Litigation can be overwhelming. For someone who has no experience, the rules of procedure alone can be intimidating, let alone building, 支持, and persuasively arguing your case. 房地产行业的诉讼律师会给你带来实实在在的好处,包括. 

  • Determining the right legal action to take
  • Interpreting any contracts and/or legal action against you
  • 获取你自己可能没有的额外和相关的文件
  • 起草解决你的案子所需的文件
  • Corresponding effectively with other parties, particularly their attorneys, to negotiate a settlement or non-trial resolution
  • 采取适当的步骤将案件诉诸法庭或在未达成非审判解决方案的情况下对你提起诉讼
  • Oversee your case from start to finish
  • Defend your rights and protect your interests

A real estate dispute can be all-consuming. 聘请有能力的法律顾问可能是解决房地产问题的最佳方式——对你和你的企业都是如此. 


At The Law Offices of Aaron Resnick, P.答:竞技宝体育竞猜在必要时提起诉讼,在符合客户最大利益的情况下和解. 房地产 & construction disputes can become costly, 因此,竞技宝体育竞猜的房地产诉讼律师明智地利用竞技宝体育竞猜的资源,为您争取最好的结果. 今天通过填写在线表格或致电竞技宝体育竞猜竞技宝体育竞猜 305-672-7495 to schedule a Free 电话 Consultation.

Areas we Serve in Florida

竞技宝体育竞猜服务的客户遍及佛罗里达州,包括以下地区:迈阿密戴德县,包括阿文图拉, 迈阿密, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, 是海里, 家园, 肯德尔, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, 好莱坞, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale Beach, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach
